Monday, July 10, 2006

6 basic ways to earn money online

wanna earn money online?

Below is basic ways to earn money online. I just read one good article from Internet Marketing 'Guru' and he tells me how to make money from internet.

1. Promote affiliate product

2. Google adsense

3. Sell your services

4. Sell advertising

5. Sell phsycal product in EBAY

6. Sell information.

Thats it for today. I am a really newbie in Internet marketing. just started since last nov 05. and now only make money from No 2 above. I will try to make more money from all listed above as mentioned by my GURU.

No matter what I am going to do this.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Build a website that sell

Build a website that sell is a must for all internet marketeers. People visit to our website only once and on that moment you have onle 10 seconds to grab their attention to stay in your website.

So what is the essential of website that sells.

1. Plan your content

Your website not only have to be look good but they must work. Dont ever point to a link which is not work. Your visitor will leave immediately. So make sure everything is work before you publish your website.

Here are some 'Standard' link that you need to put in your website.

1. FAQ link(Frequently askes question)
2. Privacy statement
3. Terms of servise
4. About us
5. Contact us
6. Opt in offer
7. Testimonials


All above link or pages is desiged with one purpose. The most important purpose is


Always remeber that your customer will not buy from you if they dont know you. That is why you need 'about us'

They will not buy if they cannot contact need contact us. A phone no and real address is important to customer to check whether your company exist or not.

Your customer may have a lot of question before they buy your product...then you need 'FAQ'...this is to eliminate their worry about your product

Your customer may want to know who else have been using your product. They want to hear recommendation from 3rd party, not from you....In this case you need testimonial.
This testimonial is the most important thing. This build trust...

Until next chapter...

Learn how using testimonials can boost your sales 240%

read the full book here about internet marketing

Monday, July 03, 2006

Internet Marketing Book Review-Part 5

Internet marketing Book Review - Part 5

Things to think before you start selling your product online.

On previous post I already mention about where to find Hungry market looking for your product. Now i will tell you Is your product suitable to sell online.

Below are some question before you sell your product online.

1.Are people actively looking your product or services?

This is the most important question you got to answer yourself.
If no one is looking for your solution, no one will ever find your website- never mind to purchase your product.
The best way to find it is by do your research at wordtracker as I mention before.

2. Does your product solves an existing problem?

Always remeber and never forget that people going online is to find solution not to buy product. In order to be successful, you need to make sure your product or services solves a common problem your target market is trying to solve.

To get started, looks for newsgroup that are relevent to your industry. Then jump in and listen to what people have to say. You will start to see a common problem coming up again and again. If your product can be positioned as a solution to this problem, you are in business.

3. Is your product or service something you will be able to sell effectively online?

When deciding if your product or service will be effective online sales item, consider the following

1. Is your solution something people will be will to pay for
2. Does it make sense to sell your product online.
3. Will you be able to deliver your service online.
4. Is there too much competition.
5. Does your product have a reasonable profit margins.
6. Is your product s suitable for shipping?

And remeber that a feww problems dont mean you need to scrap your business idea just need to focus your business model to ensure you are meeting the demands of your target market...

Good luck..until then

Internet marketing book Review

Internet Marketing Book Review - Part 4

Internet Marketing Book Review Part 4

Use Keyword Analysis to Find A Hungry Market

On previous post I have explained where to find your NICHE market. In this post I will tell you where to find A Hungry market that are looking for your product.

1. Yahoo Search Marketing Keyword selector tools(formerly known Overture)

This tools is a good place to start your investigation and it is FREE.
The keyword selector tools will tell you how many people have search for that particular term in Yahoo Search over the last month.

It will also show you the related words and phrases and tell you how many times those terms into the free search engine over the last month.

It will give you ideas and pictures of demand of your solution. The tools is FREE at

Narrow down your focus with Wordtracker

Wordtracker is more sophisticated, comprehensive tool that will help your further your research by showing you "not only what people are searhing for, but also how many other website are competing with the same audience"

For example for terms "Gardening tips" there are 3000 search for a month. That is pretty good but the competing sites telling about 'gardening tips' is about 12,000,000....Wow that is a huge competition.

another example terms "bonito jogo Nike" was search 3500 a month with only 3 websites is competing....that is a NICHE market.

You can try wordtracker here

It is not FREE but you can have a TRial run. I suggest you dig a lot of keywords from Overture first and then when you have a collection of keywords that you can start using wordtracker. This will save you money.

Until next post...

Internet marketing book review

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Internet Marketing Book Review-Part 3

Internet marketing book review - part 3

Find your market favourite online hangout

Once you have ideas of what specialisez market exist in your general market category, its time to dig deeper and connect with people who be;ong to this market. These people may become your future custmer so yo will want to now them as much as possible.

The best places to look for them is web site where they hang out and talk to each other about their common interest such as discussion board and chat rooms

You can start your search by writing a description of the market you are researching into a search engine along with "discussion forum" to see what result appear. You may also want to check out the following discussion forum listing.

MSN groups

Yahoo! groups

Google Groups

Once you have identified some good discussion boards to visit, dont be afraid to "talk" to your future customer directly. Join their chat rooms and discussion threads and ask them what they think about the products that are currently being sold in their market.

Most important ask them aboiut problems or needs they have that arent being addressed by any of the product or services are currently available.

This information is essenntial to helping you come up with a product that your market is hungry for.

Until next issue

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Internet marketing book review

Internet Marketing Book Review-Part 2

Internet Marketing Book Review Part 2

How to Find a NICHE market

People often ask...What is the hottest product to sell Online? It looks like a very good question...BUT...actually this is the BIGGEST mistake a marketeer do. Even 95% people failed from internet marketing due to this question.

The key to a succcesful online is "Finding a group of people that share a NEED and our job is to find a solution of their NEEDS.

People dont come to Internet to make a purchase, In fact they shop online to find solutions of their problemSo when you find a group of people with common problem, you can to think of a product or service you can position as a solution to that problem.

So you must understand what is a NICHE market. Let me stress it again what is a NICHE market cause it is so important that can make or break you. NICHE market is

A group of people who are searching the internet for
a solution to a problem - and NOT finding many relevent search result.

Identifying a large NICHE market is one if the biggest challeng on the road to choosing a product.

The first step in finding NICHE market that will work for you is to think about things you know a lot or are interested in. One way to finding your potential NICHE market- and narrow it down as much as posible.

eg :
My niche market is people who are hoping to correct their left-handed golf slices.
My niche market is people who are looking for new ways to lose weight
My niche market is people who are dreaming about retiring before age 50
My niche market is people who are trying to train their Dalmation puppies

and so on...You can get all the details when you read this insider secret book.

Until next

Internet maketing book review.