Saturday, July 08, 2006

Build a website that sell

Build a website that sell is a must for all internet marketeers. People visit to our website only once and on that moment you have onle 10 seconds to grab their attention to stay in your website.

So what is the essential of website that sells.

1. Plan your content

Your website not only have to be look good but they must work. Dont ever point to a link which is not work. Your visitor will leave immediately. So make sure everything is work before you publish your website.

Here are some 'Standard' link that you need to put in your website.

1. FAQ link(Frequently askes question)
2. Privacy statement
3. Terms of servise
4. About us
5. Contact us
6. Opt in offer
7. Testimonials


All above link or pages is desiged with one purpose. The most important purpose is


Always remeber that your customer will not buy from you if they dont know you. That is why you need 'about us'

They will not buy if they cannot contact need contact us. A phone no and real address is important to customer to check whether your company exist or not.

Your customer may have a lot of question before they buy your product...then you need 'FAQ'...this is to eliminate their worry about your product

Your customer may want to know who else have been using your product. They want to hear recommendation from 3rd party, not from you....In this case you need testimonial.
This testimonial is the most important thing. This build trust...

Until next chapter...

Learn how using testimonials can boost your sales 240%

read the full book here about internet marketing


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