Monday, July 03, 2006

Internet Marketing Book Review-Part 5

Internet marketing Book Review - Part 5

Things to think before you start selling your product online.

On previous post I already mention about where to find Hungry market looking for your product. Now i will tell you Is your product suitable to sell online.

Below are some question before you sell your product online.

1.Are people actively looking your product or services?

This is the most important question you got to answer yourself.
If no one is looking for your solution, no one will ever find your website- never mind to purchase your product.
The best way to find it is by do your research at wordtracker as I mention before.

2. Does your product solves an existing problem?

Always remeber and never forget that people going online is to find solution not to buy product. In order to be successful, you need to make sure your product or services solves a common problem your target market is trying to solve.

To get started, looks for newsgroup that are relevent to your industry. Then jump in and listen to what people have to say. You will start to see a common problem coming up again and again. If your product can be positioned as a solution to this problem, you are in business.

3. Is your product or service something you will be able to sell effectively online?

When deciding if your product or service will be effective online sales item, consider the following

1. Is your solution something people will be will to pay for
2. Does it make sense to sell your product online.
3. Will you be able to deliver your service online.
4. Is there too much competition.
5. Does your product have a reasonable profit margins.
6. Is your product s suitable for shipping?

And remeber that a feww problems dont mean you need to scrap your business idea just need to focus your business model to ensure you are meeting the demands of your target market...

Good luck..until then

Internet marketing book Review


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